Monday, October 22, 2007

Four great Empires were brought down by ill fated invasions of Iraq.

I. The Delphi Oracle told Croseus that if he invaded Persia, that a great
nation would be destroyed, and one was, Croseus' nation.

II. Alexander the Great succeeded in conquering Persia, but with the result that Macedonia, who would have been the leaders in Europe, depleted its' power, and Rome was able to step in and easily assume the leadership of Europe.

III. And after several hundred years, a Roman Emperor made the same mistake that Croseus and Alexander made by mounting a massive attack against Persia. The fall of the Roman Empire can be traced to ONE irrational action, Emperor Julian's preemptive invasion of Persia (Iraq). Rome was at the height of its' power before the invasion, ( Julian had subdued Rome's enemies in Europe and stabilized the existing empire.), and soon after Julian's ill fated invasion of Persia, the Roman Empire collapsed as Rome lost the trust and respect of numerous peoples who previously had accepted Rome as the world's leader.

Here is an excerpt from:

"In 362, began a journey through Asia Minor to Antioch, the jumping-off point for his Persian campaign, stopping along the way to visit the various communities in the region. At these stops he often gave money, men, and materials, thus showing concrete examples of his benefaction. That winter, drought and a major earthquake struck the region. The Senate at Antioch became very angry and refused to support Julian when he did not divert resources gathered for his upcoming campaign against the Persians for relief to the disaster victims.

The exact goals Julian had for his ill-fated Persian campaign were never clear. The Sassanid Persians, and before them the Parthians, had been a traditional enemy from the time of the Late Republic, and indeed Constantius had been conducting a war against them before Julian's accession forced the former to forge an uneasy peace. Julian, however, had no concrete reason to reopen hostilities in the east. Socrates Scholasticus attributed Julian's motives to imitation of Alexander the Great.."

IV. It appears that George Bush has made the same mistake that was made by Croseus, Alexander and Julian, and that is, he ordered a massive invasion of Persia (Iraq) that offered much to lose, and little (If any) to gain.

Before Bush's invasion of Iraq, America was the acknowledged leader of the world, and almost all nations of the world respected, trusted and emulated America. By his unilateral, preemptive attack of Iraq, Bush squandered the trust and respect that the world had for America, and as Julian and Croseus and Alexander did, he set into motion, forces that are destroying his nation.

Other nations are rearming and forming new trade and military alliances that exclude America, and America is no longer respected and trusted by most nations and most peoples.

Perhaps America can some how regain its' leadership role in the world, if the next President will focus on building bridges with other nations and peoples, rather than operating unilaterally and preemptively, and if he/she will allow the international community to hold War Crimes Tribunals for Bush and his associates who were responsible for the unilateral attack on Iraq.

It is interesting to see that the "Insurgents" in Iraq are using the same tactic that was used by the Persians to defeat Julian, and that is they are not allowing Bush to "live off the land". Whereas the Persians poisoned wells, destroyed fodder and food stocks, etc., the Iraqi "Insurgents" are denying Bush profits from their oil wells, and they are making it costly for Bush to maintain troops in the country.

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