Monday, October 22, 2007
Four great Empires were brought down by ill fated invasions of Iraq.
I. The Delphi Oracle told Croseus that if he invaded Persia, that a great
nation would be destroyed, and one was, Croseus' nation.
II. Alexander the Great succeeded in conquering Persia, but with the result that Macedonia, who would have been the leaders in Europe, depleted its' power, and Rome was able to step in and easily assume the leadership of Europe.
III. And after several hundred years, a Roman Emperor made the same mistake that Croseus and Alexander made by mounting a massive attack against Persia. The fall of the Roman Empire can be traced to ONE irrational action, Emperor Julian's preemptive invasion of Persia (Iraq). Rome was at the height of its' power before the invasion, ( Julian had subdued Rome's enemies in Europe and stabilized the existing empire.), and soon after Julian's ill fated invasion of Persia, the Roman Empire collapsed as Rome lost the trust and respect of numerous peoples who previously had accepted Rome as the world's leader.
Here is an excerpt from:
"In 362, began a journey through Asia Minor to Antioch, the jumping-off point for his Persian campaign, stopping along the way to visit the various communities in the region. At these stops he often gave money, men, and materials, thus showing concrete examples of his benefaction. That winter, drought and a major earthquake struck the region. The Senate at Antioch became very angry and refused to support Julian when he did not divert resources gathered for his upcoming campaign against the Persians for relief to the disaster victims.
The exact goals Julian had for his ill-fated Persian campaign were never clear. The Sassanid Persians, and before them the Parthians, had been a traditional enemy from the time of the Late Republic, and indeed Constantius had been conducting a war against them before Julian's accession forced the former to forge an uneasy peace. Julian, however, had no concrete reason to reopen hostilities in the east. Socrates Scholasticus attributed Julian's motives to imitation of Alexander the Great.."
IV. It appears that George Bush has made the same mistake that was made by Croseus, Alexander and Julian, and that is, he ordered a massive invasion of Persia (Iraq) that offered much to lose, and little (If any) to gain.
Before Bush's invasion of Iraq, America was the acknowledged leader of the world, and almost all nations of the world respected, trusted and emulated America. By his unilateral, preemptive attack of Iraq, Bush squandered the trust and respect that the world had for America, and as Julian and Croseus and Alexander did, he set into motion, forces that are destroying his nation.
Other nations are rearming and forming new trade and military alliances that exclude America, and America is no longer respected and trusted by most nations and most peoples.
Perhaps America can some how regain its' leadership role in the world, if the next President will focus on building bridges with other nations and peoples, rather than operating unilaterally and preemptively, and if he/she will allow the international community to hold War Crimes Tribunals for Bush and his associates who were responsible for the unilateral attack on Iraq.
It is interesting to see that the "Insurgents" in Iraq are using the same tactic that was used by the Persians to defeat Julian, and that is they are not allowing Bush to "live off the land". Whereas the Persians poisoned wells, destroyed fodder and food stocks, etc., the Iraqi "Insurgents" are denying Bush profits from their oil wells, and they are making it costly for Bush to maintain troops in the country.
nation would be destroyed, and one was, Croseus' nation.
II. Alexander the Great succeeded in conquering Persia, but with the result that Macedonia, who would have been the leaders in Europe, depleted its' power, and Rome was able to step in and easily assume the leadership of Europe.
III. And after several hundred years, a Roman Emperor made the same mistake that Croseus and Alexander made by mounting a massive attack against Persia. The fall of the Roman Empire can be traced to ONE irrational action, Emperor Julian's preemptive invasion of Persia (Iraq). Rome was at the height of its' power before the invasion, ( Julian had subdued Rome's enemies in Europe and stabilized the existing empire.), and soon after Julian's ill fated invasion of Persia, the Roman Empire collapsed as Rome lost the trust and respect of numerous peoples who previously had accepted Rome as the world's leader.
Here is an excerpt from:
"In 362,
The exact goals Julian had for his ill-fated Persian campaign were never clear. The Sassanid Persians, and before them the Parthians, had been a traditional enemy from the time of the Late Republic, and indeed Constantius had been conducting a war against them before Julian's accession forced the former to forge an uneasy peace. Julian, however, had no concrete reason to reopen hostilities in the east. Socrates Scholasticus attributed Julian's motives to imitation of Alexander the Great.."
IV. It appears that George Bush has made the same mistake that was made by Croseus, Alexander and Julian, and that is, he ordered a massive invasion of Persia (Iraq) that offered much to lose, and little (If any) to gain.
Before Bush's invasion of Iraq, America was the acknowledged leader of the world, and almost all nations of the world respected, trusted and emulated America. By his unilateral, preemptive attack of Iraq, Bush squandered the trust and respect that the world had for America, and as Julian and Croseus and Alexander did, he set into motion, forces that are destroying his nation.
Other nations are rearming and forming new trade and military alliances that exclude America, and America is no longer respected and trusted by most nations and most peoples.
Perhaps America can some how regain its' leadership role in the world, if the next President will focus on building bridges with other nations and peoples, rather than operating unilaterally and preemptively, and if he/she will allow the international community to hold War Crimes Tribunals for Bush and his associates who were responsible for the unilateral attack on Iraq.
It is interesting to see that the "Insurgents" in Iraq are using the same tactic that was used by the Persians to defeat Julian, and that is they are not allowing Bush to "live off the land". Whereas the Persians poisoned wells, destroyed fodder and food stocks, etc., the Iraqi "Insurgents" are denying Bush profits from their oil wells, and they are making it costly for Bush to maintain troops in the country.
The World's simplest overview of physics.
The World's simplest overview of physics.
The chart below plots "points" across,
and time derivatives ( dx/dt ) down,
and lists the physical property in the matrix.
time^-1-----velocity-----diffusity-----volume flow
momentum-----angular mom-----viscosity-----mass flow
force-----energy-----pressure-----spring constant
D-----power-----charge-----poynting vector
1. One point defines the existent of a something.
2. Two points constitute a "line".
Distance is the measure of a line.
If a point in a line pair
changes along a non-geodesic path
the distance between the points changes.
Note that the geodesic path of two points is a circle.
In other words, one point can circle another point
and there will be no change in the distance between the two points.
3. Three points constitute a surface.
Area is the measure of a surface.
If a point in an area
changes along a non-geodesic path,
the area changes.
4. Four points constitute a volume
Volume the measure of a surface.
If a point in a volume
changes along a non-geodesic path,
the volume changes.
5. The property name for the
rate of change of a property vs. time
is listed below each property.
For example,
the rate of change of distance is velocity,
the rate of change of velocity is acceleration, etc.
The rate of change of an area is called diffusity.
The rate of change of a volume is called volume flow.
The rate of change of a point or a something
is "per unit time" or time^-1 as shown.
6. The number of points are limited to four,
because man is hardwired to only perceive a
three dimensional space (Four points).
Man's mind consolidates multiple points into N number of volumes,
and maps the changes in the relationships
between points into new properties which are the
time derivatives of 1,2,3, or 4 points.
A few people, like Mary Everest Boole,
the daughter of George Boole,
the man who invented "Boolean Algebra,
could visualized things in four spatial dimensions.
7. The first two lines should be clear to a
most students of physics,
but the question may arise, how does mass, and the
properties related to mass get where they are on the chart?
All physical properties are quantized in terms of one standard
cyclical standard. for example:
time period(X) = cycle count(cyclical standard) / cycle count(X)
time interval(X) = cycle count(cyclical standard) / cause(point(A)) to
distance(X) = time interval(X) * C
Mass is a composite of time periods, which are true times,
and time intervals, which are true spaces.
One bodies mass is another bodies space and time.
According to Newton's interpretation of Kepler's equation:
mass(Sun) * G = distance(Earth)^3 / time(Earth)^2
Expressing distance as a time interval,
and acknowledging that both the Sun and the Earth
share the same time period, we have:
mass(Sun) * G / C^3 = time interval(Earth to Sun)^3 / time period(Sun and Earth)^2
As can be seen, G/C^3 is basically a universal time per mass constant,
and the mass time of the Sun is a composite of time intervals (Spaces)
and time periods (Real time).
This fixes the dimensions of mass to the position shown in the chart,
(Distance^3 / time^2)
and the dimensions of the properties related to mass
follow from the dimensions of the mass.
It is interesting to note,
that if a point is changing along a geodesic,
and the distance, area, or volume remains constant,
that man CAN perceive that the shape of the system has changed,
even though the measure of a particular physical property has not.
In other words, the measure of the physical properties alone
does not tell the whole picture of what is going on in a system.
In fact, perhaps the "shape" of the points that constitute a system,
(vs. time) is more informative than a measure of the physical properties.
The chart below plots "points" across,
and time derivatives ( dx/dt ) down,
and lists the physical property in the matrix.
time^-1-----velocity-----diffusity-----volume flow
momentum-----angular mom-----viscosity-----mass flow
force-----energy-----pressure-----spring constant
D-----power-----charge-----poynting vector
1. One point defines the existent of a something.
2. Two points constitute a "line".
Distance is the measure of a line.
If a point in a line pair
changes along a non-geodesic path
the distance between the points changes.
Note that the geodesic path of two points is a circle.
In other words, one point can circle another point
and there will be no change in the distance between the two points.
3. Three points constitute a surface.
Area is the measure of a surface.
If a point in an area
changes along a non-geodesic path,
the area changes.
4. Four points constitute a volume
Volume the measure of a surface.
If a point in a volume
changes along a non-geodesic path,
the volume changes.
5. The property name for the
rate of change of a property vs. time
is listed below each property.
For example,
the rate of change of distance is velocity,
the rate of change of velocity is acceleration, etc.
The rate of change of an area is called diffusity.
The rate of change of a volume is called volume flow.
The rate of change of a point or a something
is "per unit time" or time^-1 as shown.
6. The number of points are limited to four,
because man is hardwired to only perceive a
three dimensional space (Four points).
Man's mind consolidates multiple points into N number of volumes,
and maps the changes in the relationships
between points into new properties which are the
time derivatives of 1,2,3, or 4 points.
A few people, like Mary Everest Boole,
the daughter of George Boole,
the man who invented "Boolean Algebra,
could visualized things in four spatial dimensions.
7. The first two lines should be clear to a
most students of physics,
but the question may arise, how does mass, and the
properties related to mass get where they are on the chart?
All physical properties are quantized in terms of one standard
cyclical standard. for example:
time period(X) = cycle count(cyclical standard) / cycle count(X)
time interval(X) = cycle count(cyclical standard) / cause(point(A)) to
distance(X) = time interval(X) * C
Mass is a composite of time periods, which are true times,
and time intervals, which are true spaces.
One bodies mass is another bodies space and time.
According to Newton's interpretation of Kepler's equation:
mass(Sun) * G = distance(Earth)^3 / time(Earth)^2
Expressing distance as a time interval,
and acknowledging that both the Sun and the Earth
share the same time period, we have:
mass(Sun) * G / C^3 = time interval(Earth to Sun)^3 / time period(Sun and Earth)^2
As can be seen, G/C^3 is basically a universal time per mass constant,
and the mass time of the Sun is a composite of time intervals (Spaces)
and time periods (Real time).
This fixes the dimensions of mass to the position shown in the chart,
(Distance^3 / time^2)
and the dimensions of the properties related to mass
follow from the dimensions of the mass.
It is interesting to note,
that if a point is changing along a geodesic,
and the distance, area, or volume remains constant,
that man CAN perceive that the shape of the system has changed,
even though the measure of a particular physical property has not.
In other words, the measure of the physical properties alone
does not tell the whole picture of what is going on in a system.
In fact, perhaps the "shape" of the points that constitute a system,
(vs. time) is more informative than a measure of the physical properties.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
The War-for-Profit Gang
Bush is a willing participant in the war-for-profit and power game,
just as FDR was.
If FDR had gone after the war-for-profit gang
rather than getting in bed with them,
WWII would has lasted six months, and there would have been
no millions of deaths, no holocaust, no Cold War, no Korea, no Vietnam ,
no nuclear weapons, no instigation of global religious war, etc.
Fortunately for America and the world FDR died,
and as the War-for-profit gang had not had time
to intimidate, buy and discredit the new leaders,
(Truman, Nixon, Hoover, McCarthy, etc.),
and Americans were sick of conflict and war,
the new leaders managed to prevent the takeover of America
by the War-for-profit gang.
If Bush had gone after the war-for-profit gang,
rather than getting in bed with them and Sharon,
there would have been no 9/11,
no movement of America toward a police and military state,
no loss of freedoms to Americans,
no danger to American's at home and abroad,
no shattering of the national budget,
no war on the Iraqi people,
with its' attendant cost, depletion of
non-renewable resources, environmental damage, etc,
no loss of trust by most nations of the world,
no hatred of America by hundreds of millions of Muslims,
no raid on Social Security,
no dollar flight,
no meltdown of the dollar,
no loss of the moral high ground to Russia and China,
no weakening of the United Nations, G8, NATO, etc.
no independent Chinese, Russian and European GPS systems,
The major weakness of a democracy,
is that immoral, profiteering, manipulators
can effectively buy the government at a low price,
by finding politicians like Bush, Clinton, FDR, Blair, etc.
and giving them the financial and media support
they need to rise above the pack.
As Philip, Alexander the Great's father said,
"There are no city walls so strong,
that they cannot be breached,
if you can get a donkey load of gold up to the wall."
The same is true with a democracy such as America has,
and greedy, immoral manipulators steal gold from the masses,
and use a little of the gold to buy more politicians.
just as FDR was.
If FDR had gone after the war-for-profit gang
rather than getting in bed with them,
WWII would has lasted six months, and there would have been
no millions of deaths, no holocaust, no Cold War, no Korea, no Vietnam ,
no nuclear weapons, no instigation of global religious war, etc.
Fortunately for America and the world FDR died,
and as the War-for-profit gang had not had time
to intimidate, buy and discredit the new leaders,
(Truman, Nixon, Hoover, McCarthy, etc.),
and Americans were sick of conflict and war,
the new leaders managed to prevent the takeover of America
by the War-for-profit gang.
If Bush had gone after the war-for-profit gang,
rather than getting in bed with them and Sharon,
there would have been no 9/11,
no movement of America toward a police and military state,
no loss of freedoms to Americans,
no danger to American's at home and abroad,
no shattering of the national budget,
no war on the Iraqi people,
with its' attendant cost, depletion of
non-renewable resources, environmental damage, etc,
no loss of trust by most nations of the world,
no hatred of America by hundreds of millions of Muslims,
no raid on Social Security,
no dollar flight,
no meltdown of the dollar,
no loss of the moral high ground to Russia and China,
no weakening of the United Nations, G8, NATO, etc.
no independent Chinese, Russian and European GPS systems,
The major weakness of a democracy,
is that immoral, profiteering, manipulators
can effectively buy the government at a low price,
by finding politicians like Bush, Clinton, FDR, Blair, etc.
and giving them the financial and media support
they need to rise above the pack.
As Philip, Alexander the Great's father said,
"There are no city walls so strong,
that they cannot be breached,
if you can get a donkey load of gold up to the wall."
The same is true with a democracy such as America has,
and greedy, immoral manipulators steal gold from the masses,
and use a little of the gold to buy more politicians.
What is "pi"?
"pi" is basically a constant used to express discrete reality
(events) in terms of continuous reality (space).
Auto-correlation is used to determine discrete reality
and cross-correlation is used to determine continuous reality.
Auto-correlation involves a set of events associated with
a single point or body,
cross-correlation involves a set of events associated with
two points or bodies.
Discrete reality is expressed in "N" counts of
cycles or events (Which are one point entities)
in a sample,
continuous reality is expressed in "N" counts of
cycles*x (Where x is a two point entity)
in a sample.
Note that x can be degrees, grads, mils, radians,
hertz seconds, etc. x can be any real number.
In other words,
if x is an integer you are expressing discrete reality.
if x is a real number you are expressing continuous reality.
The most fundamental two points
that can be equated to discrete reality (Cycles)
is the diameter of a cycle (Circle).
2 pi is a Dedekind Cut
that separates discrete reality from continuous reality.
As can be seen,
2 pi is analogous to physic's "c"
the so-called speed of light.
In other words, 2 pi is a constant used to
express discrete one point realities,
which are basically times,
in terms of continuous two point realities,
which are basically spaces,
just as "c" is used to express time intervals,
which are the "spaces" of Nature,
in terms of "political" spaces,
which are the "spaces" of man, and typically
defined in terms of some King's body parts.http://home.earthlink.net/~tdp
(events) in terms of continuous reality (space).
Auto-correlation is used to determine discrete reality
and cross-correlation is used to determine continuous reality.
Auto-correlation involves a set of events associated with
a single point or body,
cross-correlation involves a set of events associated with
two points or bodies.
Discrete reality is expressed in "N" counts of
cycles or events (Which are one point entities)
in a sample,
continuous reality is expressed in "N" counts of
cycles*x (Where x is a two point entity)
in a sample.
Note that x can be degrees, grads, mils, radians,
hertz seconds, etc. x can be any real number.
In other words,
if x is an integer you are expressing discrete reality.
if x is a real number you are expressing continuous reality.
The most fundamental two points
that can be equated to discrete reality (Cycles)
is the diameter of a cycle (Circle).
2 pi is a Dedekind Cut
that separates discrete reality from continuous reality.
As can be seen,
2 pi is analogous to physic's "c"
the so-called speed of light.
In other words, 2 pi is a constant used to
express discrete one point realities,
which are basically times,
in terms of continuous two point realities,
which are basically spaces,
just as "c" is used to express time intervals,
which are the "spaces" of Nature,
in terms of "political" spaces,
which are the "spaces" of man, and typically
defined in terms of some King's body parts.http://home.earthlink.net/~tdp
Potter's "Zeroth Law of Cooperative Activity"
Potter's "Zeroth Law of Cooperative Activity"
The law is this:
"It takes two to tango!"
I am sure that intelligent folks immediately see the beauty of this law,
but I will explain it for the dumb and the dense.
Rational intelligent INDIVIDUALS
and chickens crossing the road,
operated as "closed loop systems"
when performing tasks.
What the INDIVIDUALS and chickens do,
is to form a template in their mind,
about what they, as a system, want to do,
(Cross the road, drive to work, etc.)
and then as they progress through time and space,
they adjust their output to bring their integral self
into compliance with the program on their template.
System Engineers have adopted the "closed loop" idea,
and they use "closed loop" systems largely and sometimes completely
external to themselves to perform tasks in adverse environments
or tasks that require greater power, greater force,
faster reaction, etc. than they are endowed with.
System Engineers form a template of what they want some external system
to do, with cams, piano rolls, wiggle lines on paper, computer memories, etc.
System Engineers then use the templates to modulate independent variables,
and they observe the output of the dependent variables,
and when any of the dependent variables vary from the template,
they apply a "negative feedback"
to force the dependent variables to match the template.
Note that templates can be used to control any controllable variable
such as temperature, force, velocity, acceleration, pressure,
position, the setting of a clock, etc.
Now here is where the "Zeroth Law" comes in:
If there are two (Or more) sentient beings in a closed loop system,
they have to cooperate to "tango".
If the beings do not agree on, and understand, and follow
the template, they can't tango.
Maybe they can dance, but it ain't the Tango.
Some corollaries include:
"Too many cooks spoil the broth."
The law is this:
"It takes two to tango!"
I am sure that intelligent folks immediately see the beauty of this law,
but I will explain it for the dumb and the dense.
Rational intelligent INDIVIDUALS
and chickens crossing the road,
operated as "closed loop systems"
when performing tasks.
What the INDIVIDUALS and chickens do,
is to form a template in their mind,
about what they, as a system, want to do,
(Cross the road, drive to work, etc.)
and then as they progress through time and space,
they adjust their output to bring their integral self
into compliance with the program on their template.
System Engineers have adopted the "closed loop" idea,
and they use "closed loop" systems largely and sometimes completely
external to themselves to perform tasks in adverse environments
or tasks that require greater power, greater force,
faster reaction, etc. than they are endowed with.
System Engineers form a template of what they want some external system
to do, with cams, piano rolls, wiggle lines on paper, computer memories, etc.
System Engineers then use the templates to modulate independent variables,
and they observe the output of the dependent variables,
and when any of the dependent variables vary from the template,
they apply a "negative feedback"
to force the dependent variables to match the template.
Note that templates can be used to control any controllable variable
such as temperature, force, velocity, acceleration, pressure,
position, the setting of a clock, etc.
Now here is where the "Zeroth Law" comes in:
If there are two (Or more) sentient beings in a closed loop system,
they have to cooperate to "tango".
If the beings do not agree on, and understand, and follow
the template, they can't tango.
Maybe they can dance, but it ain't the Tango.
Some corollaries include:
"Too many cooks spoil the broth."
Real time Karma Machine
As most folks know,
Google's philosophy is:
"Don't be evil."
and Google has provided folks
with a means of eliminating "Evil" from society.
When you click on one of the "Sponsored Links" in Google,
( Or "Sponsored Results" in Yahoo. )
the owner of the web site has to pay Google money.
If millions of folks
"voted" by clicking on the
"Sponsored Links" of the "Good Guys"
and buying their products,
"voted" a few times on the
"Sponsored Links" of the "Evil Guys"
and buying nothing,
the "good Guys" would be elevated,
and the "Evil Guys" would be eliminated.
For example, if "good folks"
developed the habit of voting a few times
for the "Evil" Companies, Organizations, Religions,
Politicians each time they surfed the net.,
it would cost the "Evil Guys" money,
and drive them off the Internet,
the only viable way to advertise today
When asked What is "Evil"?
Eric Schmidt, the CEO of Google said:
"Evil is what Sergey Brin says is evil.",
but of course,
"Evil" is is what the masses says is evil,
and the masses now have a great tool
for rewarding "good"
and eliminating "Evil" from society.
Can you imagine what will happen
when a few thousand, or a few million, "Good Folks"
began regularly clicking of the "Sponsored Links"
of the "Evil" Companies, Organizations, Religions,
and Politicians?
Instant Karma!!!!!
Google's philosophy is:
"Don't be evil."
and Google has provided folks
with a means of eliminating "Evil" from society.
When you click on one of the "Sponsored Links" in Google,
( Or "Sponsored Results" in Yahoo. )
the owner of the web site has to pay Google money.
If millions of folks
"voted" by clicking on the
"Sponsored Links" of the "Good Guys"
and buying their products,
"voted" a few times on the
"Sponsored Links" of the "Evil Guys"
and buying nothing,
the "good Guys" would be elevated,
and the "Evil Guys" would be eliminated.
For example, if "good folks"
developed the habit of voting a few times
for the "Evil" Companies, Organizations, Religions,
Politicians each time they surfed the net.,
it would cost the "Evil Guys" money,
and drive them off the Internet,
the only viable way to advertise today
When asked What is "Evil"?
Eric Schmidt, the CEO of Google said:
"Evil is what Sergey Brin says is evil.",
but of course,
"Evil" is is what the masses says is evil,
and the masses now have a great tool
for rewarding "good"
and eliminating "Evil" from society.
Can you imagine what will happen
when a few thousand, or a few million, "Good Folks"
began regularly clicking of the "Sponsored Links"
of the "Evil" Companies, Organizations, Religions,
and Politicians?
Instant Karma!!!!!
Hand held, Google Earth RADAR System
A high resolution, handheld, RADAR system could be made
using modern electronics and information technology,
You could quasi-randomly modulate (Variable transmit and listen periods),
a solid state microwave oscillator (Gunn Diode)
with a digital code with good correlation properties (Gold Code),
cross-correlate the echoes received when in the listen mode
with the Gold Code, then cross-correlate the correlations
from the echoes with stored geo-patterns downloaded
from a Google-Earth like data base covering the area of operation,
compare adjacent (In time) echo returns to spot moving targets,
then present the pattern on a small, solid state, color display
that shows the Google-Earth like picture of the area,
with super-imposed moving targets.
You would not need a directional antenna,
nor high power for such a device,
but it would be necessary to sweep the device around
to build up a good correlation of
the area as one's body and other things
would block the signals and,
even though the Google-Earth like picture,
and the location of the RADAR would still be valid,
but blocked moving targets would not be detected.
Note that if a map of the area of operation is downloaded
into the system, and a set of times from the radar to fixed
targets is compared to the map, one could quickly correlate the
map with the echoes and determine where one is.
With such a device, one could move around,
and see where they were on a moving Google-Earth-like picture,
and see the moving targets about them,
perhaps even colored and shaped by the RADAR signatures
of the targets. (People, cars, tanks, trains, an incoming missile, etc.)
Note that for many situations that such a device could replace GPS.
Just like GPS, after the device determines where one is,
it would be able to compute changes in position quickly.
Note that Citizens Band transmitters have a power output if
about four watts, and this system would operate on much less power
as it would be pulsed and use modern digital communications.
A range of only a few miles should be enough to find enough
landmarks the system could use for references.
using modern electronics and information technology,
You could quasi-randomly modulate (Variable transmit and listen periods),
a solid state microwave oscillator (Gunn Diode)
with a digital code with good correlation properties (Gold Code),
cross-correlate the echoes received when in the listen mode
with the Gold Code, then cross-correlate the correlations
from the echoes with stored geo-patterns downloaded
from a Google-Earth like data base covering the area of operation,
compare adjacent (In time) echo returns to spot moving targets,
then present the pattern on a small, solid state, color display
that shows the Google-Earth like picture of the area,
with super-imposed moving targets.
You would not need a directional antenna,
nor high power for such a device,
but it would be necessary to sweep the device around
to build up a good correlation of
the area as one's body and other things
would block the signals and,
even though the Google-Earth like picture,
and the location of the RADAR would still be valid,
but blocked moving targets would not be detected.
Note that if a map of the area of operation is downloaded
into the system, and a set of times from the radar to fixed
targets is compared to the map, one could quickly correlate the
map with the echoes and determine where one is.
With such a device, one could move around,
and see where they were on a moving Google-Earth-like picture,
and see the moving targets about them,
perhaps even colored and shaped by the RADAR signatures
of the targets. (People, cars, tanks, trains, an incoming missile, etc.)
Note that for many situations that such a device could replace GPS.
Just like GPS, after the device determines where one is,
it would be able to compute changes in position quickly.
Note that Citizens Band transmitters have a power output if
about four watts, and this system would operate on much less power
as it would be pulsed and use modern digital communications.
A range of only a few miles should be enough to find enough
landmarks the system could use for references.
Inventing a better Government
Polybius, a Greek writer who lived a couple of thousand
years ago, analyzed the various constitutions,
( Sparta, Athens, Rome, Persia, etc. ) and
he explained why the Roman Republic succeeded, where other
forms of state failed. He suggested that the best government
would balance the power between a strong executive,
the masses, and the creative, productive people.
I suggest that the best government would be as follows.
1. Representatives would be selected RANDOMLY from a pool
of people who wanted the job, be they male, female,
Black, White, Latino, rich, poor, Christian, Muslim, Jew, etc.
2. Seats in the Senate would be sold to the highest bidder,
regardless of who they are, and what nation they are citizens of.
Rich people, foreign nations, races, and religions already
buy seats in both Congress and the House already,
and rich people SHOULD have a protected voice
in government as they are the movers and shakers, and creators
of expensive, long term projects that advance a society.
If they buy their seat directly, the money would flow directly
into the public treasury. As the movers and shakers are
essential to a dynamic, productive, free society, it is
far better to let motivated, proven creators like Bill Gates and
Ted Turner spend a few billion to buy a voice in government
than to assign this role to landed aristocrats, royalty,
pressure groups, religions, foreign nations, media giants, etc.
3. The President would be selected as follows.
The Senate which would be populated with dynamic, intelligent,
knowledgeable people who know what it takes to be a good executive,
would provide the Representatives with a pool of candidates
from which to select the heads of the various government agencies,
such as the Defense Department, the State Department,
the Justice Department, Banking and Finance, Human Resources,
Housing, Transportation, etc.
If the Representatives were unable to make a choice,
they Senate would put forth a few more candidates.
4. The heads of the various agencies would meet,
and select one of their members to by the "Decider."
Another candidate would be selected to take the "Decider's"
position, and the "Decider" would react to unforeseen emergencies that
required immediate attention, and arbitrate conflicts between
the various departments.
Let's use these ideas as a starting point,
and see if we can invent a better government.
The one we have now
has become corrupted
and is in the process of unraveling.
years ago, analyzed the various constitutions,
( Sparta, Athens, Rome, Persia, etc. ) and
he explained why the Roman Republic succeeded, where other
forms of state failed. He suggested that the best government
would balance the power between a strong executive,
the masses, and the creative, productive people.
I suggest that the best government would be as follows.
1. Representatives would be selected RANDOMLY from a pool
of people who wanted the job, be they male, female,
Black, White, Latino, rich, poor, Christian, Muslim, Jew, etc.
2. Seats in the Senate would be sold to the highest bidder,
regardless of who they are, and what nation they are citizens of.
Rich people, foreign nations, races, and religions already
buy seats in both Congress and the House already,
and rich people SHOULD have a protected voice
in government as they are the movers and shakers, and creators
of expensive, long term projects that advance a society.
If they buy their seat directly, the money would flow directly
into the public treasury. As the movers and shakers are
essential to a dynamic, productive, free society, it is
far better to let motivated, proven creators like Bill Gates and
Ted Turner spend a few billion to buy a voice in government
than to assign this role to landed aristocrats, royalty,
pressure groups, religions, foreign nations, media giants, etc.
3. The President would be selected as follows.
The Senate which would be populated with dynamic, intelligent,
knowledgeable people who know what it takes to be a good executive,
would provide the Representatives with a pool of candidates
from which to select the heads of the various government agencies,
such as the Defense Department, the State Department,
the Justice Department, Banking and Finance, Human Resources,
Housing, Transportation, etc.
If the Representatives were unable to make a choice,
they Senate would put forth a few more candidates.
4. The heads of the various agencies would meet,
and select one of their members to by the "Decider."
Another candidate would be selected to take the "Decider's"
position, and the "Decider" would react to unforeseen emergencies that
required immediate attention, and arbitrate conflicts between
the various departments.
Let's use these ideas as a starting point,
and see if we can invent a better government.
The one we have now
has become corrupted
and is in the process of unraveling.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Inventing A better Government
Polybius, a Greek writer who lived a couple of thousand
years ago, analyzed the various constitutions,
( Sparta, Athens, Rome, Persia, etc. ) and
he explained why the Roman Republic succeeded, where other
forms of state failed. He suggested that the best government
would balance the power between a strong executive,
the masses, and the creative, productive people.
I suggest that the best government would be as follows.
1. Representatives would be selected RANDOMLY from a pool
of people who wanted the job, be they male, female,
Black, White, Latino, rich, poor, Christian, Muslim, Jew, etc.
2. Seats in the Senate would be sold to the highest bidder,
regardless of who they are, and what nation they are citizens of.
Rich people, foreign nations, races, and religions already
buy seats in both Congress and the House already,
and rich people SHOULD have a protected voice
in government as they are the movers and shakers, and creators
of expensive, long term projects that advance a society.
If they buy their seat directly, the money would flow directly
into the public treasury. As the movers and shakers are
essential to a dynamic, productive, free society, it is
far better to let motivated, proven creators like Bill Gates and
Ted Turner spend a few billion to buy a voice in government
than to assign this role to landed aristocrats, royalty,
pressure groups, religions, foreign nations, media giants, etc.
3. The President would be selected as follows.
The Senate which would be populated with dynamic, intelligent,
knowledgeable people who know what it takes to be a good executive,
would provide the Representatives with a pool of candidates
from which to select the heads of the various government agencies,
such as the Defense Department, the State Department,
the Justice Department, Banking and Finance, Human Resources,
Housing, Transportation, etc.
If the Representatives were unable to make a choice,
they Senate would put forth a few more candidates.
4. The heads of the various agencies would meet,
and select one of their members to by the "Decider."
Another candidate would be selected to take the "Decider's"
position, and the "Decider" would react to unforeseen emergencies that
required immediate attention, and arbitrate conflicts between
the various departments.
Let's use these ideas as a starting point,
and see if we can invent a better government.
The one we have now
has become corrupted
and is in the process of unraveling.
years ago, analyzed the various constitutions,
( Sparta, Athens, Rome, Persia, etc. ) and
he explained why the Roman Republic succeeded, where other
forms of state failed. He suggested that the best government
would balance the power between a strong executive,
the masses, and the creative, productive people.
I suggest that the best government would be as follows.
1. Representatives would be selected RANDOMLY from a pool
of people who wanted the job, be they male, female,
Black, White, Latino, rich, poor, Christian, Muslim, Jew, etc.
2. Seats in the Senate would be sold to the highest bidder,
regardless of who they are, and what nation they are citizens of.
Rich people, foreign nations, races, and religions already
buy seats in both Congress and the House already,
and rich people SHOULD have a protected voice
in government as they are the movers and shakers, and creators
of expensive, long term projects that advance a society.
If they buy their seat directly, the money would flow directly
into the public treasury. As the movers and shakers are
essential to a dynamic, productive, free society, it is
far better to let motivated, proven creators like Bill Gates and
Ted Turner spend a few billion to buy a voice in government
than to assign this role to landed aristocrats, royalty,
pressure groups, religions, foreign nations, media giants, etc.
3. The President would be selected as follows.
The Senate which would be populated with dynamic, intelligent,
knowledgeable people who know what it takes to be a good executive,
would provide the Representatives with a pool of candidates
from which to select the heads of the various government agencies,
such as the Defense Department, the State Department,
the Justice Department, Banking and Finance, Human Resources,
Housing, Transportation, etc.
If the Representatives were unable to make a choice,
they Senate would put forth a few more candidates.
4. The heads of the various agencies would meet,
and select one of their members to by the "Decider."
Another candidate would be selected to take the "Decider's"
position, and the "Decider" would react to unforeseen emergencies that
required immediate attention, and arbitrate conflicts between
the various departments.
Let's use these ideas as a starting point,
and see if we can invent a better government.
The one we have now
has become corrupted
and is in the process of unraveling.
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